
In our chain quarries special points were observed and marked with high mineralization, by an instruction from honorable exploratory advisor of company, Dr. Fallahi.

Almost 12 points were signed for exploring and saving and the project started with management of Mr. Babak Tarrahi.

After explanation Of Data Logger, 7 points marked as high potential and  high quality and best color. Related pictures are included below.


After the drilling operation and locating the appropriate sites, open extraction operations started and two points of the seven specified points were operational.

In first point located in Parsian (2) drilling had been started and after 3 months of effort specified rock was detected in first stair. The method of extraction will be explained as well.

At this time first point in Parsian (2) second stair is operational and almost 40 thousands of waste had been extracted.

The second point is located 800 meters far from first point that open extraction operation is taking place there too. The wastes of first stair has been extracted and we are ready to extract appropriate boulder.

At this point due to a gentle slope, the operation is slow but the quality and the color of rock are fine. Vehicles in this place are 3 wire cuts, 2 Russell, and 1 diesel engine in emergency cases, 1 air compressor, 1 Loader 988B.

There are 10 employees, 1 supervisor, 6 employees for day shifts, and 3 employees for night shifts.

Photos of extraction operation are below.

Our company has purchased 4 FANTINI chain saw that make operations faster and without using water.

Photos of the vehicles are shown below.


In this section, the company has started installing the infrastructure and carrying out the steps by obtaining a permit for the establishment of a stone plant at the mine site. The construction and commissioning of a stone plant at the site of the mine will be highly valuable, and in general the rent for transferring the rocks will be removed, with this it will be possible to use smaller boulders for cutting, and most of the waste rocks will also be transferred to the factory for cutting and size.



Miami Company with the presence of experienced personnel in all fields, including exploration and excavation, would be able to help other co-workers to set up mines as advisers.

The company would guide interior designers in the selection of stone, type and color advice before choosing stones.

Partnership and investment

Miami Industrial Development and Mines Corporation currently has the ability to invest and participate in high potential mines.

And in the field of providing machinery, exploration and extraction, it is also willing to participate and invest. Mines must be explicitly licensed for exploration.